Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hey everyone. This is Sophia.

I am in Japan, in a town called Kawasaki. Kawasaki is a suburb of Tokyo. My Mom Dad and I just had breakfast. We had salad for breakfast with pastrami, cucumbers, and tomatoes. We also had toast and croissants with butter and cheese. Our host family, Chikako and Takao Fukumuro, are very nice and helpful, because we can`t speak Japanese. And they can speak English, too. Today they will help us get our railpasses for the bullet train, called the shinkansen.

I want to say a special shout out to everyone at Holy Family School.
See you later! Sophia
We are here!!!!!!!!!!! We have returned from dinner with our host family at a traditional Japanese restaurant. I will have to give you the details later, because we are exhausted!
The flight was 13 hours and 10 minutes, and the ride to Kawasaki from Narita Airport was 2 more hours. Goodnight!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Here we go! We are about to board our flight at Newark Airport. Destination: Tokyo, Japan. See you when we get there!