Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Making Senbei in Takayama

We visited Takayama with our friends Chikako, Nobuko, Suga-kun and their two children, Kaiyu and baby Nagisa. While strolling through town we came to a place where one could make senbei, rice crackers. Sophia and I gave it a try after the demonstration. We put on white gloves on our left hands, then were seated in front of our own furnaces and given a metal skewer to hold our rice cracker while we browned it over the fire. It sounds kind of dangerous to give children hot metal skewers in front of a fire, but it was fine and everyone enjoyed the experience! I burned my first cracker, (it was tricky!), but Sophia did well with Nobuko's help. She really got good at it. We all received certification as senbei makers when we were done. And we got to keep our crackers, along with store-made ones.

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