Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sophia Washes her Hands at the Heian Shrine, Kyoto

Okay, in the next few posts I will bring you up-to-date with some highlights of this past weekend. Friday, April 2:
Customary Things to do when at a Shrine/Temple
Sophia has just poured water over her hands at the Heian Shrine in Kyoto. It is customary before entering a shrine to pick up a wooden ladle such as these, and pour water over one hand, then the other. Other customs include:
*taking off your shoes before entering the shrine
*tossing coin into a wooden box, bow, clap your hands three times
*shake a long rope until you ring the bell or gong at the top. This is supposed to get the attention of the gods.
*Sophia also found trees with hundreds of white and pink paper strips tied to them. She learned that you can write a wish on the paper and tie it to a tree. She paid 300 yen for a pink paper and made her wish. Visitors also leave written wishes/prayers on wooden blocks.
We were also fortunate enough to also see a Japanese bride here and her wedding party.

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